I am excited to report that I have recently felt a surge of creativity and have been experimenting with new mediums, exhibit ideas, and thoughts about my future. Over the holiday it became clear to me that my next step in education should be an MFA. This year I will work on preparing my portfolio so that I can have a solid shot at some good scholarships. I plan to apply to several schools (yet to be determined) and whichever school offers me the most money is where I'll go. I am still undecided on low-residency vs. full time. I am leaning towards full time, so that I can really soak up my learning experience, build a strong network, remain more focused than I might otherwise, etc.
Part of building my portfolio this year will include applying for a Penland scholarship so that I can attend one of their fabulous workshops sometime this year (I think I have a solid shot at it). I will send in my application on Tuesday. I am also applying for a Rasmussen Grant in the hopes that I can experience exhibiting my work in some place other than Juneau.
Below are some sketches I've been having fun with: